• Team Funding Request - Printable Form

    Print this form and fill it out to request funds from your team account or apply to apply for special funding from the Jacket Athletic Booster Club. Please email form and supporting documentation to

  • Business Sponsorships

    The Jacket Athletic Booster Club counts on business leaders and businesses to help promote excellence for all SAHS athletic programs through financial support and event sponsorship. Please help identify potential businesses willing to sponsor your team and our athletic programs through our tiered sponsorship program.

  • Ticket Packages

    All Event Passes are available to anyone

    4 for $500

    2 for $300

  • Athletic Clearance Instructions

    In order for a student-athlete to participate with any athletic team at SAHS they must register with the FHSAA sponsored online paperless eligibility system,, thus making printing forms and turning them in to the school obsolete. The physical form (EL2) will still need to be printed and signed by the physician and then uploaded to their FHSAA account. The EL3 (Consent to treat form), NFHS: Concussion in Sports, Pursuing Victory with Honor Agreement, Code of Conduct and Insurance Information will also be filled out online in Athletic Clearance.

  • Team Fundraisers

    JABC asks all athletic programs to submit their planned fundraisers for our records.

  • Concession Policies

  • New List Item

    Description goes here